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APLNG Wildlife Sighting Form


AP Marine Fauna Observation Report

Job Number 0
Project Title
Vessel Name Duffy
Date 2016-08-21
Observers Name Morgan Payne

Marine Fauna (Visual Observation during vessel transport from mainland to Curtis Island

Trip NumberTrip Number
"Yes" Fauna Seen"No" Fauna Seen

Did you see any Dugongs X
Did you see any Turtles
Did you see any Dolphins
Was there a Disturbance of 20 or More Migratory Birds?
If yes record position using area grid reference
Weather Conditions E/NE 10
Was Propulsion Disengaged Duration

Marine Fauna (Visual Observation during vessel transport from Curtis Island to Mainland

Trip NumberTrip Number
"Yes" Fauna Seen"No" Fauna Seen

Did you see any Dugongs X
Did you see any Turtles
Did you see any Dolphins
Was there a Disturbance of 20 or More Migratory Birds?
If yes record position using area grid reference
Weather Conditions V 10
Was Propulsion Disengaged Duration

APLNG Fauna Grib

Quoin Island Turtle Rehabilition Centre for injured/deceased turtles 0408431304

Qld Government Wildlife Hotline for injured/deceased marine fauna 1300130372