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APLNG Wildlife Sighting Form


AP Marine Fauna Observation Report

Job Number 0
Project Title
Vessel Name Capricornian Sunset
Date 2016-08-22
Observers Name Ian Zwies

Marine Fauna (Visual Observation during vessel transport from mainland to Curtis Island

Trip NumberTrip Number
"Yes" Fauna Seen"No" Fauna Seen

Did you see any Dugongs X X X
Did you see any Turtles X X X
Did you see any Dolphins X X X
Was there a Disturbance of 20 or More Migratory Birds?
If yes record position using area grid reference
Weather Conditions
Was Propulsion Disengaged Duration

Marine Fauna (Visual Observation during vessel transport from Curtis Island to Mainland

Trip NumberTrip Number
"Yes" Fauna Seen"No" Fauna Seen

Did you see any Dugongs X X X
Did you see any Turtles X X X
Did you see any Dolphins X X X
Was there a Disturbance of 20 or More Migratory Birds?
If yes record position using area grid reference
Weather Conditions
Was Propulsion Disengaged Duration

APLNG Fauna Grib

Quoin Island Turtle Rehabilition Centre for injured/deceased turtles 0408431304

Qld Government Wildlife Hotline for injured/deceased marine fauna 1300130372